How Do I Keep Bugs Out Of My House In The Fall?
Are you dreaming of the moment when you can throw on your favorite sweater, grab a mug of pumpkin spice coffee, and wait patiently (or impatiently, as the case may be) for the leaves to start changing color? Although it’s only the beginning of September, it won’t be long before fall is officially here, and with it, everything we love about autumn and a few things we don’t. That’s right, nuisance and annoying bugs and rodents will try to slip inside homes to secure warm shelter for the winter. In fact, we’re already getting reports about daily spider encounters, mice inside homes, and other pests trying to get in. In today’s blog, we’ll take a closer look at what’s got these pests on the move, what you can do to prevent pest infestations, and how our local pest control pros eliminate pests this fall and all year long.

But first, why bugs and rodents are migrating indoors
It happens every fall; pests realize the warm summer days are fading away and that they need to secure shelter for the winter. Of course, not all pests survive past the fall, but those that do need to find suitable accommodations.
Unfortunately, cozy homes with snug corners and ample hiding spots make the perfect sanctuary for spiders, cockroaches, lady bugs, mice, boxelder bugs, and other insects and rodents. Attics, basements, crawl spaces, and closets are a few of the common places to find pests when they move inside but you can’t rule out finding some of them in the kitchen and bathroom either. If it’s warm and close to food and water sources, it will do!
When the food runs out, they need to find an alternative source
Speaking of food and water, many pests are prompted to head indoors when the temperatures drop because they’ve run out of their natural food sources. While ants, mice, and other pests will pilfer from the pantry or take advantage of grease splatters, food crumbs and drink spills, spiders eat insects and will feast away on other creepy crawlies that have made their way in.
How to prevent fall pest problems
The best way to prevent an invasion of house-infesting pests this fall is to take action right away. While it’s impossible to completely pest-proof your home, there are steps you can take to decrease the chances you’ll spend the winter with uninvited houseguests. Here are a few practical tips to help you keep insects and rodents out this fall:
- Clean out your garage
When we say clean out your garage, we don’t just mean give it a good sweeping. The best way to discourage pest activity in your garage is to haul away trash, clear out the clutter, store seed and pet food in containers with secure lids, and pack away seasonal décor in heavy duty storage bins. Follow up by vacuuming and mopping the floor and disinfecting the workbench and other counter surfaces, if applicable. - Seal entry points
You may have the best home security system installed in your home, but if you have cracks, gaps, and other openings that pests can fit through, you’re going to have home invaders. To fix this, you should inspect the outside of your home and seal any opening you find from the foundation to the roof line. Don’t forget to check around doors and windows and utility entrances. Vents and ducts that lead indoors should also be properly screened. - Find and repair leaky pipes, faucets, and other moisture problems
If you’ve got a faucet that perpetually drips or a leaky pipe in the basement, now is the time to focus on repairs. You should also identify rooms with high humidity or excessive moisture and implement measures to correct. - Pick up your yard
Ripe or rotting fruit on the ground, unharvested gardens, broken tree branches, and fallen leaves as well as other organic debris in the yard allow insects and rodents to hide out without fear of being discovered. By picking up your yard, removing leaf litter and other debris, you can show pests that they don’t belong there. - Good housekeeping also deters pests
Keep your home clean and your kitchen spotless to repel pests. That means washing dishes after every meal, wiping up crumbs and spills as soon as they occur, not letting grease and other food debris accumulate around the stove, vacuuming and mopping, and disinfecting counters and other surfaces regularly. You should also take the trash out often.
What to do if you find pests inside your home this fall
So, there you have it – the lowdown on why spiders and other pests are likely to become houseguests this fall in Des Moines, Kansas City, and Omaha as well as throughout the Midwest. If, despite your efforts to the contrary, you discover insects and/or rodents inside your home this fall (or if they’re already there), give Miller Pest & Termite a call!
Our locally owned and family-operated pest control company offers home pest control services designed to not only eliminate current pest pressures, but also prevent pests from returning. Compare our residential plans and pricing below or simply give us a call to discuss your pest control needs!
Ongoing Home Pest Control Recommendation
Miller Guard
Our signature Miller Guard pest control plan stands out in the industry by giving you Full Pest Coverage and Zero hidden fees. It is designed to eliminate and prevent insect and rodent problems by targeting pest entry and exit points for maximum effectiveness. It includes an initial premium interior application, exterior applications, web removal, and wasp nest removal.
- Ongoing Preventive Services
- 29 Pests & Services Covered
- Initial Premium Interior Application
- Exterior Applications
- Rodent Control
- Wasp Nest Removal
- Cob-Web Removal
- 1-Year Service Agreement
Starting at:
$4999A Month
Free Quote Or Call (515) 518-8864
Additional Miller Guard Details
Pests Covered: Asian Beetles, Boxelder Bugs, Carpenter Ants, Carpet Beetles, Centipedes, Clothes Moths, Drain Flies, Earwigs, Fleas, Fruit Flies, Grain Beetles, Hornets, House Ants, Indian Meal Moths, Mice, Millipedes, Pill Bugs, Rats, Roaches**, Silverfish, Spiders***, Stink Bugs, Wasps, Weevils, Yellow Jackets
Service frequency will vary based on geography. The Miller Guard program does not include the following pests: honey bees, flies, lice, dust mites, mosquitoes, exterior ticks, ornamental/turf pests, slugs, snails, termites, wildlife, birds, and brown recluse spiders.
- Pricing does not include initial fee
- Must have credit card on file
**American, German & Oriental
*** Venomous & Non-venomous
Ongoing Home Pest & Termite Control Recommendation
Miller GuardPlus
This program includes everything from the Miller Guard - PLUS termite control. When you choose this service, Miller will install HexPro® bait stations around the perimeter of your home to keep wood-destroying termites away.
- Ongoing Preventive Services
- 32 Pests & Services Covered
- Initial Premium Interior Application
- Exterior Applications
- Rodent Control
- Termite Coverage
- Wasp Nest Removal
- Cob-Web Removal
- 1-Year Service Agreement
Starting at:
$6999A Month
Free Quote Or Call (515) 518-8864
Additional Miller GuardPlus Details
Pests Covered: Asian Beetles, Boxelder Bugs, Carpenter Ants, Carpet Beetles, Centipedes, Clothes Moths, Drain Flies, Earwigs, Fleas, Fruit Flies, Grain Beetles, Hornets, House Ants, Indian Meal Moths, Mice, Millipedes, Pill Bugs, Rats, Roaches**, Silverfish, Spiders***, Stink Bugs, Wasps, Weevils, Yellow Jackets PLUS Termites
- Pricing does not include initial fee
- Must have credit card on file
**American, German & Oriental
*** Venomous & Non-venomous
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