It’s almost time for bed, but you decide to grab a quick snack first. As you head from your living room towards your fridge, you flip a switch, and light floods the kitchen. That’s when you see a handful of bugs scurrying for cover.

If you’ve ever experienced that scenario, you know the feeling that sweeps over you when you realize you’ve been sharing your living space with cockroaches. It’s not a good feeling, and the subsequent thoughts that go through your head range from wondering how bad the infestation is to considering packing your bags and moving out.
A cockroach infestation is bad news. These are not pests you want anywhere near your home, whether you live in Des Moines, Kansas City, Omaha, or elsewhere in the Midwest. The longer cockroaches are allowed to remain in your house, the worse the infestation will get, but the sooner you act, the easier it is to eliminate the problem.
What makes a cockroach infestation such a problem? There are several reasons these pests are such an issue to get rid of once they get into your house. Let’s explore a few of the problems you’ll encounter if cockroaches get into your home.
Cockroaches breed rapidly
One of the major reasons that a cockroach infestation is such a problem is because these pests breed rapidly. Even if only one or two cockroaches get into your house initially, it won’t take long before the roach population grows very large.
Although it varies by species, cockroaches go from hatching to being adults capable of reproducing in about three to twelve months. Once the females begin to reproduce, they create egg cases, called oothecae, that can hold 10 to 50 eggs, depending on the species. Female cockroaches produce about one ootheca per month.
You don’t have to do the math to recognize that even a small cockroach infestation will quickly grow into a large one due to their breeding habits. The more cockroaches that hatch and mature, the more eggs will be laid each month.
Cockroaches are excellent at hiding
If cockroaches lived out in the open in your house, it would be fairly easy to detect the start of an infestation and get rid of it. Unfortunately, these nocturnal pests do not like being exposed. They prefer to remain out of sight where you won’t notice them.
Not only do cockroaches prefer to hide, but they’re also very good at it. They don’t simply stay under your refrigerator, where you could easily pull the appliance out and find them. Instead, they find places to hide that are out of the way and difficult to access. They like damp, dark hiding spots, such as under sinks, and even sometimes hide in drains and other areas that are almost impossible to access without taking pieces of your house apart.
Cockroaches don’t die without a fight
You’ve probably heard stories about how cockroaches can survive a nuclear bomb. Although that’s an urban legend, it came about because there’s a kernel of truth. Cockroaches can withstand high amounts of radiation. Although you’re not likely to use radiation to try to get rid of a cockroach problem in your home, you should be aware that cockroaches don’t go down without a fight.
In addition to being tolerant to high radiation doses, cockroaches can withstand many DIY treatment methods. They have developed a resistance to many chemicals, so over-the-counter sprays rarely work to eliminate them. They can live for up to 45 minutes without air, so trying to submerge them in water to get rid of them probably won’t work for you unless you’re incredibly patient.
If they can’t be eliminated by those means, should you try to starve them or deprive them of water? Although every creature requires food and water to survive, some creatures need these necessities less often than others. Cockroaches can survive up to three months without food and up to a month without water. These pests have adapted to harsh environments and situations and are challenging to eliminate.
Cockroaches are a year-round problem
Cockroaches are most active in the warmest months of the year. They like hot, humid weather and are most likely to move around and reproduce rapidly from about May through September in Midwestern cities. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to worry about these pests from October to April.
As the weather starts cooling off in the fall, cockroaches are more likely to find their way indoors while looking for warmth and shelter. Although they may not be as active in the winter, it’s more likely that they’ll establish themselves inside your home in these months.
Once the weather warms back up, you’re in for an unpleasant surprise when they become more active, and their population grows even more rapidly inside your house.
Why you don’t want cockroaches in your home
If cockroaches were a nuisance pest, you wouldn’t want them in your house, but you wouldn’t have to be too concerned if you found them there. Unfortunately, cockroaches present many problems for homeowners. Although they won’t damage your house other than leaving their droppings around, they are a serious risk to your family’s health.
Cockroaches spread dozens of bacterial diseases and have also been known to carry parasites, viruses, and other pathogens. If cockroaches move into your residence, it’s entirely possible a family member could become sick because of them. In addition to the diseases they spread, cockroaches can trigger allergy and asthma symptoms through their saliva and waste.
How to get rid of a cockroach infestation
If cockroaches get into your home, you must get rid of them as quickly as possible. They will not go away on their own; they will expose your family to agents of illness, and their population will continue to grow exponentially until you do something about them.
Because they are so difficult to eliminate, the most effective way to get rid of cockroaches is with professional pest control. Miller Pest & Termite provides the home pest control services necessary to protect your home and family from these dangerous pests. Our Miller Guard plan eliminates and prevents cockroaches and 28 other pests with premium applications, targeted treatments, and no hidden fees. At the first sign of a cockroach infestation, contact Miller Pest & Termite to request a free quote!
Ongoing Home Pest Control Recommendation
Miller Guard
Our signature Miller Guard pest control plan stands out in the industry by giving you Full Pest Coverage and Zero hidden fees. It is designed to eliminate and prevent insect and rodent problems by targeting pest entry and exit points for maximum effectiveness. It includes an initial premium interior application, exterior applications, web removal, and wasp nest removal.
- Ongoing Preventive Services
- 29 Pests & Services Covered
- Initial Premium Interior Application
- Exterior Applications
- Rodent Control
- Wasp Nest Removal
- Cob-Web Removal
- 1-Year Service Agreement
Starting at:
$4999A Month
Free Quote Or Call (515) 518-8864
Additional Miller Guard Details
Pests Covered: Asian Beetles, Boxelder Bugs, Carpenter Ants, Carpet Beetles, Centipedes, Clothes Moths, Drain Flies, Earwigs, Fleas, Fruit Flies, Grain Beetles, Hornets, House Ants, Indian Meal Moths, Mice, Millipedes, Pill Bugs, Rats, Roaches**, Silverfish, Spiders***, Stink Bugs, Wasps, Weevils, Yellow Jackets
Service frequency will vary based on geography. The Miller Guard program does not include the following pests: honey bees, flies, lice, dust mites, mosquitoes, exterior ticks, ornamental/turf pests, slugs, snails, termites, wildlife, birds, and brown recluse spiders.
- Pricing does not include initial fee
- Must have credit card on file
**American, German & Oriental
*** Venomous & Non-venomous

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